Not sure how to convince them to let you off your leash? A founder's life is all about pitching, and this is no different. It's simple: Tell them why StartupBus is good for not just you, but also great for your company.
StartupBus is a great sandbox to put your leadership and teamwork skills to the test.
What's the best product development strategy? Software architecture? Best and most efficient to stay connected and get everything scrum-ed? Here's your chance to shine on our global stage.
Whether you're a developer, designer, or marketing and sales professional, you can put your skills to test on the StartupBus.
You can learn all about what's current in the industry by working together with experts from all over the continent intensively, and bring that knowledge back to your company.
The best way to get to find and know your future co-founder is to find something to work together.
Many of our best success stories were not the startups formed during the competition, but startups formed by the friends made during the competition. Instacart, Monzo, and Major League Hacking are one of the many great examples.
Is your company looking for more developers or designers? Come on the StartupBus and meet them in person. You can observe their skills and see who performs best in real time.
Here are two great tools for you to make your pitch.
Tailor this copy to show the benefits.
Estimate the costs and show its value.